Craftable Animals Recipes

Basic Crafting Recipes:

Craftable Animals Mod

Even more Recipes:

Craftable Animals Mod

Differnet kinds of tamed cats. Recipes are shapeless.

Craftable Animals Mod

Use colored wool to craft colored sheep or color them after crafting. Just put them in the crafting grid to shear them.

Craftable Animals Mod

Wolves work with every color of wool or sheep. Also you can tame them and make them angry.

Craftable Animals Mod

Use 4 slimes of one size to make a bigger one. The biggest, the giant slime, does not spawn naturally. Its size is defined in the config. Default is 10. Same with Magma Cube.

Craftable Animals Mod

Armor + zombie = armored zombie. Works with every kind of normal armor and every normal tool (not modded items).

Craftable Animals Mod

All different kinds of Villagers are possible. Even the infected villager and the witch.

Craftable Animals Mod

Different kinds of Jockeys. All are shapeless.

Craftable Animals Mod

Some recipes that fit nowhere else. Enderman con hold most blocks.



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