Gun Customization Recipes


Use this to kill enemies without a noise.Gun Customization Mod

Gun Customization Mod

Heavy Barrel
Use this to increase the damage of a gunGun Customization Mod

Gun Customization Mod

Laser Pointer
Increase the accuracy when hip-firingGun Customization Mod

Gun Customization Mod

Straight Pull Bolt Bolt Sniper Rifles
By attatching this on a bolt sniper rifle you can stay in scope when reloading.Gun Customization Mod

Gun Customization Mod

Bolt Sniper Rifles & Single Shot Rifles & Light Machine GunsTo use this attatchment hold “SHIFT” and do not move! It reduces the recoil a lot and you stop shaking your scope.

Gun Customization Mod

Gun Customization Mod

Single Shot Rifles & Light Machine Guns & Assault RiflesReduces recoil and increases accuracy.

Gun Customization Mod

Gun Customization Mod

M320 Assault Rifles
I think it doesnt hurt to have a grenade launcher as secondary fire To trigger M320-Shootmode hold “CTRL” + “C”. Same keys to untrigger. You can also use the M320 without attatching it on a gun. Notice that you have to be in creative mode or you need some “40x46mm SR” frags to shoot with it.Gun Customization Mod

Gun Customization Mod


Reflex (RDS)
Gun Customization ModGun Customization Mod

Kobra (RDS)
Gun Customization ModGun Customization Mod

Holographic (Holo)
Gun Customization ModGun Customization Mod

PKA-S (Holo)
Gun Customization ModGun Customization Mod

M145 (3.4x)
Gun Customization ModGun Customization Mod

PK-A (3.4)
Gun Customization ModGun Customization Mod

ACOG (4x)
Gun Customization ModGun Customization Mod

PSO-1 (4x)
Gun Customization ModGun Customization Mod

Rifle (6x|8x)
Gun Customization ModGun Customization Mod

Gun Customization Mod

PKS-07 (7x)
Gun Customization ModGun Customization Mod

Ballistic (12x|20x)
Gun Customization ModGun Customization Mod

Gun Customization Mod


Fill/empty magazines with this Item. But the disadvantage is that it needs more time to fill/empty than “Mag Box”.Gun Customization Mod

Gun Customization Mod

Gun Customization Mod

Box Part
Doesnt have any functions.Gun Customization Mod

Gun Customization Mod

40x46mm SR Frag
This is the ammo for the M320 grenade launcher.Gun Customization Mod

Gun Customization Mod

Blocks (Boxes)

Mag Box
Create magazines with this boxGun Customization Mod

Gun Customization Mod

Gun Customization Mod

Bullet Box
Create the bullets a gun needs with this boxGun Customization Mod

Gun Customization Mod

Gun Customization Mod

Ammo Box
(Re-)Fill empty magazines with this box (alternatively use the manual mag filler)Gun Customization Mod

Gun Customization Mod

Gun Customization Mod

Gun Box
Add or remove attatchments to/of guns with this boxGun Customization Mod

Gun Customization Mod

Gun Customization Mod

Weapon Box
Craft some guns with this boxGun Customization Mod

Gun Customization Mod

Gun Customization Mod



  1. nie można samej spluwy dać

  2. wow!!!!!!

  3. Mod??



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