iPad Screenshots

iPad Mod

iPad Mod

iPad Mod

iPad Mod

iPad Mod

The app after is the world app. This will let you change the time of the day and weather to whatever you want.

iPad Mod

The creeper app will let you blow up on the spot. WARNING – MAY KILL YOU

iPad Mod

You can also change the size and place of the explosion.

The Player Apps

iPad Mod

The first command will turn your hoonPad into (yes…) budder. However it will be just temporlariy (excuse my bad spelling) and if you try to move it around in your inventory it will turn back into the hoonpad.

The suicide app – currently doesn’t work.

The Video Player App

iPad Mod

The Instant House App

To build a house, your energy must be full, and there are three different tier houses

iPad Mod

iPad Mod

The Brain Teaser App!

iPad Mod

The Quick Menu App:

iPad Mod

iPad Mod

The Rocket App

iPad Mod

The About App

iPad Mod



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