Help! Hacked @ RedRobin77’s Plot Committed by DerFaxy & SirCrime @ CreativeCraft Server/Network

This plot on the CreativeCraft Server got hacked. RedRobin is a good friend of mine and this is an emergency. This potentially could of been done with SQL injection. This happened by DerFaxy giving RedRobin77 a book named ‘!!!’ which had a suspicious ‘[Click here]’ inside. I wasn’t there to stop him; I was at sainsbury’s cafe, so he clicked it, not knowing that DerFaxy would gain full permissions of the plot, removing me; WiggoJr, and RedRobin’s permissions completely. Please help if anybody can.

My Skype: Christian Wiggins – [email protected]
RedRobin’s Skype: William Gardnder – super-red-robin


We need to ban the culprits.
Here is some info:
[02/05/2015 11:57:56] Christian Wiggins: RedRobin has been hacked
[02/05/2015 11:58:05] Christian Wiggins: I just came back from a cafe
[02/05/2015 12:00:03] Christian Wiggins: and he got hacked
[02/05/2015 12:00:28] Christian Wiggins: he gave red robin a book named ‘!!!’
[02/05/2015 12:00:38] Christian Wiggins: And it said click here
[02/05/2015 12:01:02] Christian Wiggins: And superredrobin clicked it
[02/05/2015 12:01:21] Christian Wiggins: Then me and him lost ALL access to red robin’s plot
[02/05/2015 12:03:00] Christian Wiggins: I’ve been searching the mc username database @ , but I’m still tracing him down
[02/05/2015 12:04:42] Christian Wiggins: I know a bit about hacking, and I think that the unidentified player could of used sql injection to gain permissions of the plot
[02/05/2015 12:16:40] Christian Wiggins: The real name is DerFaxy
[02/05/2015 12:25:21] Christian Wiggins: The original plot got remapped to /p h:2 derfaxy
[02/05/2015 12:27:28] Christian Wiggins: Apparently, a helper of the plot became SirCrime. Another griefer?


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