[1.12] Vampirism Mod Download

Vampirism Mod adds several rituals which allow you to become a vampire. Then you should improve your vampire with higher levels you will get faster, stronger and better night vision. However, it brings disadvantages with it, you take sun damage or are hunted by vampire hunters. By performing special rituals, you can become a more skilled vampire and gain special skills like “Bat transformation” or “Revive the fallen”.

As a vampire, you don’t need to eat all that dry bread or eat these strange fruits called “apples”, and you prefer some red and tasty blood which you have to suck from animals or better villagers. Yet, you should be careful because some animals do not like to give blood.










More Information:

Go to Vampirism Mod wiki page

How to install:

  • Download and install Minecraft Forge.
  • Download the mod.
  • Go to %appdata%.
  • Go to .minecraft/mods folder.
  • If the “mods” folder does not exist you can create one.
  • Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into that.
  • Enjoy the mod.

Download links for other versions:











  1. ‘-

  2. oi adorei seu mod realmente muito bom parabens sera que vc poderia deixar na prosima atualizaçao uma coisa e que muita gente nao gosta de quando viramos vampiro e mude nossa skin ficar com a cara vampiristica sabe se vc puder ajudar colocar uma forma de selecionar se quer ou nao que mude sua skin e que muitas vesses a skin fica bisarra com dois olhos etc…
    muito obrigado por sua atençao e por favor pense sobre o que eu falei por favor me ajude
    e muito obrigado.

    Hi, I really love your mod, so it’s good that you could leave it in the next update, something that a lot of people do not like when we become a vampire, and change our skin to be with the vampiristic face, you know if you can help put a way to select if you want or Not that it changes its skin and that many vesses to the skin it becomes bisarra with two eyes etc …
                       Thank you very much for your attention and please think about what I said please help me
    And many thanks.

  3. Hi. I have the vampire ability and bat ability but how do i become a bat? I’m not sure what button to press to activate it? Thanks

  4. Yo I cant download it



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