[1.8] TabbyChat Mod Download





(note – fonts in these screenies courtesy of BetterFonts mod)


Settings (shift-click on * tab)


Global Settings:
Global settings are applied for all multiplayer, on any server.  Server settings (including filters) are saved to a server-specific file, so you can maintain different settings for different multiplayer servers you may play on.  Here’s what they do:TC Enabled: Enabled/disables TabbyChat.  When disabled, tabs will be destroyed and all chat will appear in the same window as it does without this mod.

Auto search for new channels: When on, coupled with the Chat Delimiter server setting, TabbyChat will attempt to identify new chat channels by looking for channel names surrounded by the delimiters at the beginning of each chat message (e.g. “<G>”, or “[G]“, or whatever).  When found, a new tab will be created with this name and will contain only those messages.  When off, TabbyChat will still attempt to match chat messages to currently-existing tabs and filter rules, but new tabs will not be automatically created.

Channel scroll history:  How many lines of chat to keep in the chat window for each tab (accessible by scrolling up/down)

Max length of channel name search: When auto-search is enabled, this helps let TabbyChat know a realistic number of letters in the chat channel names.  So, a setting of 10 would catch “[Nether]” but not “[Announcement]”

Timestamps: When on, each chat line will begin with the current time in preset format.  A small number of timestamp format presets are currently available, left or right-click on the time displayed in the gray box to select.

Save chat to local log: When on, TabbyChat will save all chat to a text file in a “.minecraft/mods/tabbychat/logs” folder.  A new log file will be created each day, but the same log will be used for multiple servers.  This log will contain timestamps if the Timestamp dispay option is on.

Server Settings:
Chat-channel delimiters: This tells TabbyChat what characters to watch for when trying to determine the chat channel, either automatically or otherwise.  For example, “[G]” may indicate the Global chat channel, which is delimited by brackets on either side of the name.  Available options are Angles <>, Braces {}, Brackets [], and Parenthesis ().Delimiter formatting: Force TabbyChat to only consider new channel delimiters that adhere to a defined text color/style here (actually only the first delimiter must match).  Left or right-click on this box to move forward/backward between available text colors, and hold down Left Shift while left or right clicking to change text styles.

Default channels: This box should contain a comma-separated list of chat tabs that you want to be created everytime you sign on the server, regardless of whether or not TabbyChat has seen chat in that channel yet.  For example, if you specify “G, N, Local”, then TabbyChat will automatically create these tabs right away and not wait until chat in that channel appears.  This helps you control the tab display order (since these are created first), and they will also still work when auto-search is turned off.

Ignored channels: This is a comma-separated list of names that TabbyChat may think are chat channels, but that you want it to ignore.  For instance, if you occasionally see chat messages beginning with “<Server>” that TabbyChat creates a tab for, but you don’t want a tab, you can specify “Server” in the ignored channels list.


Filter Settings:
Note: Filters are also server-specific settings.Filter Name: The topmost textbox is for the filter name.  This is primarily to help you remember what the filter is for, but will also be used as the name of a tab when the “Filter to new tab” option is on.  Use the “<>” buttons to flip between filters, and “Add”/”Remove” buttons to make more/less.

Inverse match: If this is on, TabbyChat will flag chat messages that DON’T match this filter.  This option doesn’t work in conjunction with highlighting, and is most useful with the “Filter to new tab” option.  This essentially will let you make a new chat tab containing all chat messages EXCEPT a certain type.

Filter to new tab:  When this option is on, all chat messages matching this filter will be sent to a new tab based on the filter’s name (in ADDITION to any other tabs TabbyChat may think it belongs in).

Case-sensitive: When on, the filter is applied in a case-sensitive fashion (i.e. upper-case letters in the expression must match in the chat)

Highlight matching text as:  This is an alternative to the Filter to new tab option – instead of placing matching messages in a new tab, this option simply applies a specified style to the part of the chat message that matches the filter expression.

The style itself is specified exactly the same as the Channel Delimiter Formatting option – left/right click in the white button area to scroll through colors, shift + left/right click to scroll through styles.  Different combinations may be specified for different filters.

Audio notification: Plays an audio tone when the filter find a match in chat.

Filter expression: This is the key setting that determines what this filter matches.  This is defined using regular expression syntax, which TabbyChat will use to comb through chat messages for a match.  The default settings is the current player’s name.


TabbyChat is a client-side mod for Minecraft that aims to make the multiplayer chat interface more organized, managable, and user-friendly.



  • Auto-search for new channel and PM tabs.
  • Custom filters to change and redirect chat messages to a specific tab


  • Highlight matching text (with colors and/or formatting)
  • Play notification sound
  • Send message to specific tab or all tabs
  • Prevent message from displaying.


  • Unread message notifications
  • Timestamps prepended to chat messages
  • Suppress spammed chat messages
  • Log all chat to log file with timestamp
  • Interactive scroll bar
  • Dynamically movable/re-sizable chat box
  • Multi-line chat with configurable transmission delay
  • Mouse controls and keybinds for interacting with Tabbychat
  • Spell-checking and spelling suggestions.

Vanilla Fixes

  • Links are clickable without server assistance.
  • Current input text retained after window resize.
  • Lowered “Leave Bed” button when sleeping.



How to install:

  • Download and install Minecraft Forge or Liteloader.
  • Download the mod and MnM Utils (required for Minecraft 1.8).
  • Go to %appdata%.
  • Go to .minecraft/mods folder.
  • If the “mods” folder does not exist you can create one.
  • Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into it.
  • Enjoy the mod.

Download links for other versions:









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