Chat Bubbles Mod for Minecraft 1.4.5

Do you play on servers with your friends often, creating huge master works together online?  Perhaps you don’t voice chat with them, perhaps you use the chat function in the servers to talk to your friends.  Do you ever miss what someone is saying because the text scrolls by way too fast?  Chat Bubbles Mod aims to fix that problem and fix it for good (at least until Vanilla Minecraft adds this into the game).  This shows talk bubbles above users heads so you know exactly who is saying what without any more confusion because you were busy mining or perhaps avoiding a fiery death in the Nether with a group of friends.  This makes it much nicer since you can just look at the player and see what is up instead of deciphering text strings.

If you want to chat with people on Minecraft servers with less confusion and being able to know exactly who was talking, this mod is for you!

Chat Bubbles Mod for Minecraft 1.4.5 Main Features

  • Adds clean looking chat bubbles over a users head in multiplayer
  • Works client side, making it essentially universal on any server

Chat Bubbles Mod Version 1.4.5 for Minecraft 1.4.5 Changelog

  • Updated for Minecraft 1.4.5

How to Install Chat Bubbles Mod for Minecraft 1.4.5

  1. Click “Unpatch” to have a fresh copy of the Minecraft.jar
  2. Download Modloader and add it (+) with MCPatcherHD
  3. Click Patch and make sure Minecraft runs
  4. Nagivate to your “.minecraft” folder and locate “Mods” folder
  5. Download and place entire zip of “Chat Bubbles” into Mods


1 Comment

  1. An important crash-bug: Very long server-messages (like the list of online players on big servers) freeze the entire client.



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