Lecterns Mod for Minecraft 1.2.5

Hey, guys! Here’s a simple mod that supports the XP Books mod and Tomes mod. It is the Lecterns mod and it enables players to have stands to put either of the two books( the XP Book or Tomes) on it. These lecterns will definitely make your use of the two books more comfortable and easy.

Lecterns Mod

This is the recipe of the lectern.

Posted Image

Usage is simple. After you craft it, place it on the ground. Then, with left-clicks, you can place or remove books. You can also take the lectern down when there is no book in use on it. To read books, make a right-click. For example, in case of XP Books, you will see the amount of XP in the book by reading it.

How to install Lecterns Mod for Minecraft 1.2.5

  1. Download the file from below.
  2. Install ModLoader.
  3. Delete META-INF folder from the minecraft.jar.
  4. Place the mod file in the .minecraft/mods folder( create if it doesn’t exist).
  5. Install either the XP Books mod or Tomes.
  6. Enjoy!

*Don’t forget to back your world up before the installation!




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