Sparrow API Mod for Minecraft 1.2.5

Sparrow API is another confusing mod that we found quite interesting in the minecraft forums which we recommend this for players who are already “experienced” with minecraft to try out. First of all… what is Sparrow? Sparrow is an API mod that allows for better action between entities, there are 2 main things in this mod which is the SparrowAPI, and SimplyID. SparrowAPI is an interact that any entity can imlement, and it adds lots of new methods of gaining and giving out a fair amount of information in which entities can make more decisions. SimpleID is a system that allows entities to save and load by giving each Sparrow-using entity an ID of there own.

source code for SparrowAPI:

package net.minecraft.src;
public interface SparrowAPI
/**Is this thing like a creeper, in that engaging it in combat has unexpected consequences? Would this entity and its allies be better off not fighting it at all? Set this to true if the attacker's combat abilities are basically a non-factor in what will happen to it if it fights this.*/
public boolean isStupidToAttack();
/**When a mod triggers an event that would set an entity to be dead with no reference to damage, should this entity be spared?*/
public boolean doNotVaporize();
/**Does this entity attack non-player entities on sight?*/
public boolean isPredator();
/**Does this entity attack the player on sight?*/
public boolean isHostile();
/**Is this entity incapable of combat?*/
public boolean isPeaceful();
/**Is this entity viable prey for a predator?*/
public boolean isPrey();
/**Will this entity attack, but only when provoked?*/
public boolean isNeutral();
/**Is this entity incapable of taking damage, and thus pointless to attack?*/
public boolean isUnkillable();
/**Should this entity be considered a threat to par1entity?*/
public boolean isThreatTo(Entity par1entity);
/**Should this entity be considered a friend of par1entity?*/
public boolean isFriendOf(Entity par1entity);
/**Is this entity what people would generally consider to be an NPC?*/
public boolean isNPC();
/**Is this a pet? 0 if not, 1 if it can be but isn't currently, 2 if it is.*/
public int isPet();
/**Who is this pet's owner?*/
public Entity getPetOwner();
/**What is the name of this individual entity?*/
public String getName();
/**What is this entity currently targeting with intent to kill? Used to differentiate between the attack method monsters use and the attack method used for breeding and following*/
public Entity getAttackingTarget();
/**What is the size of this entity? Multiply its two dimensions (X and Z are considered the same) in terms of blocks and put in the result ( a chicken would be .3 * .7, which is roughly .2)*/
public float getSize();
/**What should this entity be referred to as? (Dog, Cat, Human, Enderman, etc.)*/
public String getSpecies();

/**What is this entity's gender? 1 for male, 2 for female, 0 for neither*/
public int getGender();
/**This is for mod-specific features. A mod can search for a response to a custom string, and you can add in whether or not they'll respond to it here, and what the response will be.*/
public String customStringAndResponse(String s);
/**Have this return the string you store your simplyID in. Use the function SimplyID.getNextSimplyID(this) to assign a simplyID to your entities that implement Sparrow.*/
public String getSimplyID();

Sparrow API Mod for Minecraft 1.2.5 Main Features

  • The SparrowAPI v.1.1.0
  • SparrowAPI
  • SimplyID

How to Install Sparrow API Mod for Minecraft 1.2.5

  1. Download the mod
  2. Take the class files in the zip files downloaded and put them to your “minecraft.jar”


1 Comment

  1. where is 1.4.7



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