Metroid Prime Texture Pack for Minecraft 1.4.5

Metroid Prime Texture Pack is fully about a An android theme which means there aren’t any new trees and any changes of water. Instead this mod adds a big chunck of  new blocks that represents the word “android” as the title saids so. Themes for this mods is probably easiers to discribe as “robot”, “technology” or “Alien”, all the blocks are like weird and pretty space like stuff. Metroid Prime Texture Pack includes new armors and new doors as well, but these are the minor stuff but very effective and represents the theme of these mods well. By the way if you hasn’t noticed already, take walk around your corridor and look up… did you see a moon ? quite nice :) !

Metroid Prime Texture Pack for Minecraft 1.4.5 Main Features

  • Lots of new items
  • New ladders and other blocks
  • There are those alien plants added as well
  • The red star burst
  • New torches

Metroid Prime Texture Pack Version 0.7.4 for Minecraft 1.4.5 Changelogs

  • Compatibility with 1.4.5
  • Added Shriekbats
  • Added Anvils
  • Added Item Displays
  • More…

How to Install Metroid Prime Texture Pack for Minecraft 1.4.5

**Since this mods is “WIP” (working in progress) it isn’t complete yet**

  1. With the high def stuff you might need the MCPatcher HD to make it work.
  2. Run the game normally
  3. Select “mods and texturepack” under multiplayer
  4. A folder pops up and choose “texturepack” folder
  5. Place your texturepack here
  6. Since its also a “WIP” you will need to drag the pictures to the texturepack manually
  7. The Pictures are posted here—->
  8. Done!


1 Comment

  1. , m-löänioöphhphu9i



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