Magic Yarn Mod for Minecraft 1.4.2

YARN! Sorry there, got distracted. Found this new mod, the new magic yarn mod, and while it sounds silly, its very useful! Now, i don’t suggest trying to give this to your cats, they won’t find it as useful as you do. This mod is useful for it you get lost. Once your craft it (Which is wool around a compass) you right click once, then you just go where ever you want! So then lets say you get lost, simply right click again and on the ground you’ll see a trail of yarn leading you in the path you have just walked.

So this mod can be very helpful! Especially if your one of thoughs people who wander out into the wild and realize “oh crap, wheres my house??”. So i highly suggest getting this mod, its helpful and includes some of its own sound effects ;D

This IS available for multi-player also! While you can’t craft them while in mutli-player, you use a button. You can configure this to be anything you want! This is a great feature so that you can use it for when ever you could possible need it. I hope you decide to try it out, and the particle effects it makes for the yarn look epic! Although some how i do not think that real yarn looks like that ;D So go download it! What are you waiting for! Why are you still reading this! GO DOWNLOAD THE MAGIC YARN MOD (Not for use with cats)

Magic Yarn Mod

How To Install Magic Yarn Mod for Minecraft 1.4.2

  • Download  Magic Yarn Mod for Minecraft 1.4.2
  • Download ModLoader for Minecraft 1.4.2
  • Open the minecraft.jar with 7zip or winzip
  • Move the mod files from the mod into the mods folder
  • Delete that silly META INF folder that nobody likes
  • Have fun with this EPIC mod!



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