Weaponizer Mod for Minecraft 1.2.4

Bored with Minecraft’s limited number of weapons? I present to you the Weaponizer! With this mod you will keep yourself busy for a loooong time :) Not only there are vast amounts of swords, axes etc. They all require some skill and time to craft one (you need to look for extra ores and tools) Well, with over 70 swords and 50 axes, for sure it’ll keep you busy! It is also a sort of challenge for you to collect all of them.. ahhh the fun.Weaponizer Mod

Did I mention the creator of Weaponizer Mod (Ketaros) have added new materials into the mod such as titanium to help you with mining jobs? And each weapon has its own name! (Cool ones!) Ketaros have mentioned that the ores in the Weaponizer mod aren’t a piece of cake to find… many are as rare as diamonds are and some even more! So! If you are bored and free, I suggest this mod to you. The fun is that you get special weapons and tools to use and the challenge is you have to find gems and ores to craft such weapons.. Go ahead and collect them all!

Note: The creator of Weaponizer mod claims he have not touched any base files so it should be compatible with the majority of mods out there

How to install Weaponizer Mod for Minecraft 1.2.4:

  1. Download and install ModLoader, ModLoaderMP, Forge
  2. Download Weaponizer! Mod for Minecraft 1.2.4
  3. Copy all the content in the .zip file
  4. Paste in minecraft.jar
  5. Enjoy collecting!


1 Comment

  1. this would get popular if its available for the servers also, like the server version of this mod? i bet its gonna get as popular as the aether mod



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