Do you know the moments, where you want to change e.g. oak planks into jungle planks? Then this mod is for YOU! With the Wood Converter Mod, you can convert all your planks, slabs, stairs and logs into other type planks, slabs, stairs and l...[Read More]

Features: Ki (?; pronounced “kee”), also known as chi or simply energy, is the force energy used by the Dragon Ball characters. Ki “Energy” system Now with growing Ki bar! Ki Charge! With own Effects and Colors for different states like sup...[Read More]

Minecraft was dull until hostile monsters were introduced. Believe it or not, but a large majority of minecraft users are entertained mainly because of this feature simply because the hostile mobs made survival much harder. Over time mobs h...[Read More]

Here’s how it works: A clay soldier is an item you can hold in your hand. It is crafted using a clay block (for substance) and soulsand (for sustaining intelligent life). Specifically, one block of clay and one block of soulsand can be used...[Read More]

Features: Adds Scythes, Reaping mechanics, Soul farming System, specialty items and equipment. Harken Scythes: Six Scythes can be Crafted, Enchanted, and allows Reaping of Souls. Soul Farming System: Use the Soul Altar and Soul Crucible to ...[Read More]

This “Resugami’s Armor Stand” Mod will allow you to show off your armor proudly on the stand. This mod will give you the ability to show off by just placing the stand and right clicking on the platform. You can choose from the selection of ...[Read More]

Hello fellow minecrafters, today minecraft has grown ALOT. From the first early beta version to this top version of Minecraft. And everyone stills loves it! Minecraft is a fun game even if you play alone and more fun with friends! But in so...[Read More]

Ever wanted to store your items in a way you can see them? Here you go. This block allows you to add up to 9 items to it and the items you put in are shown in the world. Installation: Windows: 1) Open up %appdata%, if you don’t know how to ...[Read More]

Recipe Book Mod  is a peculiar one. (created by Risugami) I highly recommend this mod to new comers, or noobs to minecraft. although some advantages can be obtained by anyone who uses Recipe Book Mod , such as all the potion recipes. A grea...[Read More]

WARNING BACK UP YOUR WORLD BEFORE INSTALLING This mod changes how creepers attack. Instead of blowing itself up, It will disappear and launcher 100 arrows straight into the air, which will rain down on the landscape. These arrows will be 25...[Read More]

Floodgate block can be used as either a floodgate, allowing toggleable water and lava falls, or as a trapdoor. When you place the floodgate control block, it will place a gate in front of the control block in the direction you are facing. A...[Read More]

When you die, if you have a chest in your inventory, it will be placed where you die, or in the closest available spot. The chest will be filled with as many items as possible. Items stored in the crafting slot are still lost, as usual, and...[Read More]

Note: Currently this mod changes Minecraft’s *.class files making it not compatible with some mods. This mod does not require modloader. This mod comes with 5 functions: X-Ray “X” key NightLight “L” key Redstone Finder “R” key (bugged, dont...[Read More]

The Elemental Arrows mod adds four new types of arrows; explosive arrows, fire arrows, ice arrows, and a joke weapon, egg arrows.. They are crafted the same way as normal arrows, but the head is replaced based on the element; gunpowder for ...[Read More]

Have you ever found yourself lonely in your world, with no-one to spend your time with? No story to minecraft? Or even just want to create an extraordinary adventure map? Well with the custom npcs mod you can fill your world with millions o...[Read More]

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