Plethora Peripherals Mod is a ComputerCraft peripheral provider for Minecraft 1.8.9+. It aims to provide both metadata and peripherals for vanilla Minecraft and most mainstream mods. Plethora also adds a series of “modules” to the game. The...[Read More]

Gravestone Extended Mod is an addon of Gravestone Mod, which consist of additional blocks (such as memorials, spawners, skull candles, and e.t.c), structures(cemeteries, undertaker house, catacombs, and e.t.c) and monsters. Requires: Minecr...[Read More]

PackGuard Mod is a fairly small mod that helps modpack creators avoid false bug reports. It monitors the mod list, and looks for modifications. If the pack has been modified by the user, the mod will tell the user to not report any errors. ...[Read More]

Extra Planets Mod is an addon for Galacticraft Mod. It adds Dimensions, Planets, Moons, Blocks, Entities and Items to Minecraft. Features of the addon: 4-10 Tier Rockets Dungeons Tier 4 -10(Some are still Creeper Bosses, but they will be re...[Read More]

Shoulder Surfing Reloaded Mod is a remake version of Shoulder Surfing Mod for latest Minecraft. This mod replaces the default third person behind-the-body view (F5 key) with a more traditional “over the shoulder” view. Requires: Minecraft F...[Read More]

KalStuff is a mod that adds random stuff to Minecraft. With content ranging from chicken nests to moon flowers, it will suit all your random mod needs! Most of the current features in KalStuff are: Crushed Ender Bridge Blocks Coffee! Chicke...[Read More]

Moo Fluids Mod is a mod that can dynamically add a Cow entity for each fluid in the FluidRegistry. What means is whether it be vanilla or a mod and it has some kinds of fluid (such as Lava). Then it will can have an equivilant cow form. Cow...[Read More]

SecurityCraft Mod adds exactly what the name suggests: Lasers, retinal scanners, keypads, unbreakable doors and more. Pairs well with mods such as Smart Moving, Secret Rooms, and the Wall Jump mod. You now have the option to set up password...[Read More]

Backpacks Mod adds craftable backpacks into the game that really improve inventory management. Backbacks can either be stored in your inventory or worn by placing one in the chest armour slot. The backpack mod adds 16 backpacks to minecraft...[Read More]

Lucky Block TNT Mod adds in lots of explosive drops to the Lucky Block Mod. You will find crazy explosions, deadly mobs, and even tnt armor and weapons. Features: Drops: Blocks: 576 new drops and 10 old drops Bow: 71 new drops Sword: 5 new ...[Read More]

Item Scroller Mod adds several ways of moving items in inventory GUIs. This is done by scrolling the mouse wheel over item slots (optionally while holding some modifier keys) or by holding down modifier keys and then left- or right-click dr...[Read More]

Modern Warfare Mod offers a wide selection of different 3D modeled guns, and the selection will be wider in the future. It also offers a small but growing selection of 3D modeled armors. Ever get tired of the classic diamond sword? Classic ...[Read More]

Nether Metals Mod is an addon for the Base Metals Mod, it brings vanilla and modded ores to the Nether Dimension. It can fit perfectly in skyblock modpacks. Features: Vanilla Ores: Nether Iron Ore Nether Lapis Ore Nether Redstone Ore Nether...[Read More]

Time Twister Mod adds 4 armors and 4 tools that grants you various abilities. Armors: ARmer Gives you Level 4 Speed, Strength and Regeneration Higher durability than Diamond Ciclon Gives you Level 4 Speed, Strength and Regeneration Same dur...[Read More]

Introduction Is vanilla Minecraft combat too boring for you? Fear not, Dynamic Sword Skills will have you parrying, dodging, and attempting to perform strategic devastating attacks on your enemies! This mod is a standalone version providing...[Read More]

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