PackGuard Mod is a fairly small mod that helps modpack creators avoid false bug reports. It monitors the mod list, and looks for modifications. If the pack has been modified by the user, the mod will tell the user to not report any errors. ...[Read More]

Shoulder Surfing Reloaded Mod is a remake version of Shoulder Surfing Mod for latest Minecraft. This mod replaces the default third person behind-the-body view (F5 key) with a more traditional “over the shoulder” view. Requires: Minecraft F...[Read More]

Just Another Crafting Bench Mod adds one new block: the JACB Crafting Table which acts like a normal crafting bench except that it will store the contents of the crafting grid when you close it. That’s it. That’s all it does. It can be crea...[Read More]

FastLadder mod adds 3 new ladders with increasing climb speeds. Recipes: Fast Ladder = 1.5x climb speed Faster Ladder = 2x climb speed Fastest Ladder = 2.5 climb speed Requires: Minecraft Forge ModUtilsLib How to install: Make sure you have...[Read More]

Universal Coins Mod allows you to trade any items using coins. The coins come in four values: the Coin (value 1), the Coin Stack (value 9), the Large Coin Stack (value 81) and the Coin Pile (value 729). Obviously, 9 of a lower tier will get...[Read More]

Colorful Armor Mod makes chain, iron, gold, and diamond armor customizable. To change the color of a piece of armor, just place the piece and the dye of your choice in the crafting table. All of the dyes in the game work. Different types of...[Read More]

Moo Fluids Mod is a mod that can dynamically add a Cow entity for each fluid in the FluidRegistry. What means is whether it be vanilla or a mod and it has some kinds of fluid (such as Lava). Then it will can have an equivilant cow form. Cow...[Read More]

A mining mod, let the caterpillar drill your mines for you. Caterpillar mod is a drill that makes 3×3 mineshafts for you. You can add or not add any part to customize your drill. This is the drill base, its used for all parts This is the dr...[Read More]

Common Capabilities Mod improves mod interactions, which are possible because of Forge’s new capability system. This does not provide any actual new content, it only improves existing interactions. The goal of this mod is to provide standar...[Read More]

Integrated Dynamics Mod is a mod which requires you to build networks for complex automation and system integration. It is a mix between bundled redstone, BuildCraft gates and Applied Energistics-style networks. Use ‘Readers’ to import exte...[Read More]

Backpacks Mod adds craftable backpacks into the game that really improve inventory management. Backbacks can either be stored in your inventory or worn by placing one in the chest armour slot. The backpack mod adds 16 backpacks to minecraft...[Read More]

Runes of Wizardry is all about placing patterns of Arcane Dust to create Runes with various effects. It intends to be a full reimplementation of the old Runic Dusts mod. Instructions: Dusts are placed via right-click in a 4×4 pattern per bl...[Read More]

Additional Resources Mod adds loose resources to the game without needing the user to install a texture pack. It is mainly designed for mods that have user-defined content that needs to be loaded as a resource. It has no GUI itself. Usage: ...[Read More]

The goal of Aether Legacy Mod is to help show how much the Aether has grown from then to now. With this project it should help bring more appreciation towards Aether II and the amount of dedication Gilded Games is putting out to make it as ...[Read More]

Item Scroller Mod adds several ways of moving items in inventory GUIs. This is done by scrolling the mouse wheel over item slots (optionally while holding some modifier keys) or by holding down modifier keys and then left- or right-click dr...[Read More]

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