Simply Conveyors & More is a mod in which you use conveyors in both moving items around and using them as the player’s transport. It has multiple types of conveyors to fit your needs.
Normal Conveyors
Can push virtually any type of Entity.
Holding Conveyor
Holds entities in place on it unless it is powered by redstone.
Vertical Conveyors
Conveyors that go straight up.
Inverse Conveyors
Yup, it has upside-down conveyors too.
Inverse Holding Conveyor
Inverse version of the Holding Conveyor. Instead of working like a normal inverse conveyor when it is powered by redstone, it drops the entity it is holding straight down.
Conveyor Ramps
Stair versions of the normal conveyors. Only really works with players.
Hopper Conveyor
Works just as a hopper would. Sends items downwards, and downwards only.