[1.12.2] Picture in Picture Mod Download

Picture in Picture Mod allows you to see what other players see using a camera. It enables you to see other peoples perspectives in Minecraft. This allows you to display your friends Minecraft POV on screen at all times live! You are able to see what they are doing, looking at & their position. This works in single player, multiplayer & lan because it is all working client side.


When you want to play Minecraft in multiplayer, the experience is solid, but wouldn’t it be very interesting to play while also seeing what other players see? This mod is a great and interesting addition to the Minecraft experience that allows you to experience what the other people do, all thanks to a great add-on that really spruces up the game experience.

You can really see the world through the eyes of other players, and you can actually sneak up on them without those players actually knowing about it. Such a thing will offer great results in the long run and it all comes down to you to understand how you can use it.


  • Renders other player’s Point of Views in a “Picture-in-Picture” style on the Minecraft screen when no GUI is open.
  • Renders can be toggled on and off in-game!
  • Allows unlimited renders of different player PoVs in a single line in several positions and orientations (until your computer hangs at 1 FPS even!)
  • You can selectively show only one person’s PoV by scrolling your mouse while holding the toggle key while toggling it on (indicated by the white border, hit the toggle key again to disable).
  • You can toggle first person/third person states by hitting the middle mouse button on a selected PoV (the white border!). Yeah, you can do a full 360 view of yourself!
  • Config options to adjust size, update frequency (to decrease lag), orientation, positions, etc!
  • In-game Commands with /pip to quickly add or remove a player PoV (limited, no duplicated player names allowed)



Known Issues:

  • Potential crash with bspkrs’ Core with rendering player/mob on the main menu. Disabling it in their config file fixes it for now.
  • Potential exploitation of this mod (since it’s 100% client-side and allows watching other people without their consent).
  • Because of how the mod is purely client-side, the limit of tracking other players is bound to Minecraft’s max tracking distance of other players, so no, this does not work across dimensions or long distances.

How to install:

  • Download and install Minecraft Forge.
  • Download and install iChun Util.
  • Download the mod.
  • Click on the Start Menu in Windows.
  • Type run into the search box, and select the Run program at the top of the results.
  • Type %appdata% into the Run program, and press Enter.
  • Go to .minecraft/mods folder.
  • Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into that.
  • Enjoy the mod.



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