[1.9.4] Progression Mod Download


Progression Mod permits you to control things in Minecraft in many levels. At basic level, you can control how a player can interact with the world, or the things they can craft. At the more involved level, it allows you to build and design tech trees, where a player cannot complete something until, something else is done. Be this action crafting an item, or collecting drops or more.  You can also reward them for completing specific tasks, instead of restricting what they can do, if you so desire. Progression would also allow you to build class systems, restricting what certain groups of players can do, or give them abilities based upon their class. You could for example, forbid a group of people from ever being able to craft a furnace. While another group can build furnaces, but they walk much slower.  This is just a basic overview of the things you can do with progression.

How to get Started editing:

To get started editing you will need to grab yourself the Progression Editor book, this book is where all the editing is done. For the most part it should be fairly obvious what you need to do, but there are a lot of tooltips that can help you out. If you have any issues feel free to ask. You can also take a look at the Progression section on curseforge, for some examples.

Edit Mode



Display Mode


Enchiridion Support

Progression also comes with some built in support for Enchiridion adding special features and actions, so that you can make better looking editors. As well as being able to place features individually it also comes with a template for a simple book mode, more for quests, where you can write out images and text to display if you wish to have more of a story to go along with your progression. Simply while in edit mode insert the HQM Clone template. While in edit mode you can then right click the open button, which will automatically generate the list of tabs, and opening them will automatically generate criteria, and opening them will generate the information pages. You can add and remove these elements, this is just the autogeneration to make things easier.




Old Information (For Minecraft 1.7.10):

How to get Started editing:

There are two ways to access the editor. You must be in creative to edit. You can either right click a vanilla book, or type the command /progression edit. Please keep in mind when editing, that in order to test properly you are going to want to switch back to survival. You can always craft items, when you are in creative, which is why you should test in survival. To reset player data just use the command /progression reset.

Tree Editor View


Criteria Editor View


How to install:

  • Download and install Minecraft Forge.
  • Download the mod.
  • Go to %appdata%.
  • Go to .minecraft/mods folder.
  • If the “mods” folder does not exist you can create one.
  • Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip) file into that.
  • Enjoy the mod.

Download links for other versions:






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