Love Enderpearls? Wish they didn’t hurt you? Wish they had more functions?  Want more fun and throwable teleportation items? Well this is the mod for you! Features: Deadly Ender Pearls: Kills anything they touch Explosive Ender Pearls: Crea...[Read More]

All of us like shootting firebals from dispenser, but what about its handed analog? This mod add new weapon which use fireballs as a bullets. It is rather fast and strong and can be enchanted like a bow. Also it will use explosive fireballs...[Read More]

This mod add new boat wich can swim in lava. It is made from obsidian and cart so why it can’t be destroyed in a clash. To prevent it destroying in lava you can get it back by left click on it. As default it sink in water, but you can chang...[Read More]

This mob pack focuses on the Nether and at the moment adds 5 Doom inspired mods, all mobs spawn in the Nether. This mod is in a very early stage of development, so far it only adds Demon Mobs, much more will come with new updates. Optional ...[Read More]

Through crafting, to the stars. Per Fabrica Ad Astra aims to enhance the technical complexity and realism of Minecraft to enable more sophisticated modeling of the modern industrial economy, including mineral extraction, agriculture, manufa...[Read More]

Wiki everything, from items to screens, all the data is accessible without leaving the game! Formatting the WikiText is still WIP, tables and other dynamic elements are currently not working. Most vanilla GUIs have their respective informat...[Read More]

Zombies in the daytime! Zombies are everywhere, be careful. Sort of an adventure mod. The zombies will attack players, chickens and pigs. There are options in the config file to control spawning of skeletons, creepers, spiders, slime, and e...[Read More]

As the name might imply, this mod adds taller doors to minecraft, more custom doors.. This mod also adds a draw bridge so you can create your ultimate castle with all the effects. How to use a drawbridge: 1. Place a drawbridge base segment ...[Read More]

This mod adds more adventure and story to Thaumcraft. Features: Exubitor Aspect: The aspect required for all of research entries and it consists of (Eldritch + Death). Warden’s Rose: This beautiful flower drops Warden’s Shards and you will ...[Read More]

Compact Display HUD (CDHUD ) is based on the style of TukMC with mods like Ars Magica and Damage Indicators in mind. Having the basic HUD be more compact allows indicators from such mods to roam freely at the top of the screen. As you can s...[Read More]

This mod will let you customize the HUD (heads-up display). You can reposition them anywhere on the screen, let them fade out when you don’t need them or choose to hide them. On top of that you can switch out the look of most of the bars. T...[Read More]

Sometimes the Vanilla version of Minecraft can leave you with an empty feeling in your stomach. That feeling is hunger my friends, and quite frankly the choice of food without mods is malnourished and boring. That is why I think that the Ha...[Read More]

This mod adds FloorBall to Minecraft. In this mod you will find everything you need to play FloorBall with your Friends on Minecraft! FloorBallCraft adds Sticks, Balls, parts, Goals, Rinks and customizable FloorBall Sticks! The FloorBall St...[Read More]

Extra Uses is a mod that adds tons of simple, but awesome new things to Minecraft. How to install: Download and install Minecraft Forge. Download the mod. Go to %appdata%. Go to .minecraft/mods folder. Drag and drop the downloaded jar (zip)...[Read More]

The Superman Mod allows you to suit up and fight crime as Superman! This mod features playable Superman suits, bosses, new ores and items, new weapons, and much much more! How to install: Download and install Minecraft Forge. Download the m...[Read More]

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