Installation: Download and install Minecraft Forge. Download Better Farming Mod zip file Put Better Farming Mod zip file into your /.minecraft/mods folder. Do not unzip it. Done.

Gunpowder… Spice… And everything nice. These were the ingredients chosen to create the perfect creeper minion. But Professor HippoMaster accidentally added an extra ingredient to the concoction… Chemical X! Thus the Mutant Creatures were bo...[Read More]

This mod overrides the output of the enchanting table. instead of getting efficiency, power, fire aspect, etc. you get a new enchant called “slot”. This enchantment doesn’t have any powers, but if you use scrolls and the magic table you can...[Read More]

A new adventure in the Sky of Minecraft,now you go start a journey,go to Nether for go to the Ether,you want a Light Stone Dust to make a new door for Dreams. This! A dreamed World to his range,a new World.In this world you go find a heaven...[Read More]

With this mod you’re able to display a ghost image of a schematic file inside Minecraft to rebuild a structure or export any part of your world (or a server’s world) into a schematic file. You’re able to export parts of your world, too! Not...[Read More]

It just adds a instant house so far. To create a instant house right click with the Instant house Item in your hand. Installation: Download and install Minecraft Forge Download Instant House Mod zip file Put Instant House Mod zip file into ...[Read More]

The dimension is the Iron Dimension. It has Iron Grass, Iron Dirt, Iron Trees and Soft Iron. The Iron dimension has tons of Iron Golems in it as well. To build a portal to the Iron dimension: you just make the same as a nether portal but in...[Read More]

Make the nether wand and right click. It will generate a portal nearby or teleport you to the nearest one. The second wand if you right click it will remember that place and when you go away and right click with that wand again  you will go...[Read More]

PowerCraft is: Intuitive yet powerful industrial mod Ideal for automatic farming Easier than other industrial mods Very good mod compatibility Conveyor belts for material and mob transport Automatic farming, potion brewing, crafting, smelti...[Read More]

Custom Stuff 2 allows you to add content to minecraft with simple text files. You can also send you created content in a zip to your friends and they have only put this zip into the custom stuff 2 mods directory. You can create chests, furn...[Read More]

This mod adds three furnaces to the game. An iron, a gold and a diamond furnaces. They smelt items faster. Installation: 1. Install Minecraft Forge ( or newer). 2. Place the downloaded .zip file int .minecraft/mods

This mod adds pianos to minecraft! You can craft a piano, and then use it with your mouse or keyboard. Now, also with drum kits! Installation: Download and install Minecraft Forge Download MusicCraft Mod zip file Put MusicCraft Mod zip file...[Read More]

Minecraft is known for some of the mobs that lurk at night, haunting your dreams and destroying your hard work.  However, after you get used to these creatures you might long for more variety, more weapons and more passive mobs.  This mod a...[Read More]

This mod is based on an other one Mod made by SanAndreasP – Ender Mobs Mod This mod adds a bunch of stuff to the End dimension. From mobs over blocks to tools and weapons. In the following content you will see what the mod adds to the game:...[Read More]

This mod adds a single food item, called trail mix Installation: Install Minecraft Forge. Download Trail Mix Mod zip file from the link at the bottom of this post Put Trail Mix Mod zip file into your /.minecraft/mods folder. Do not unzip it...[Read More]

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