This mod adds a steam boat into minecraft, which are fully functional and look so awesome (steam-punk styling). The Steamboat is like a normal boat but it goes a lot faster and there are water wheels on either side. Very easy to control too...[Read More]

The Massive Trees (Yggdrasill) Mod is a Japanese mod that adds huge trees. These trees are planted by using a sapling and can grow as tall as the height limit. The height can be changed in the config file. These trees are perfect for tree f...[Read More]

Extra Bees is a plugin for the Forestry Mod for Minecraft, and adds many new bee species, as well as a swathe of machines to store and manipulate them Features: 111 new bee species, with different traits, products, effects and mutations, in...[Read More]

Extra Trees is a new Minecraft mod by Binnie, author of Extra Bees. It extends the Forestry tree breeding system with over 75 new tree species, along with new logs and fruits. From these logs there are 34 new wood planks to construct your h...[Read More]

A Mod design with creativity and realism in mind providing you with a complete new game dynamic and loads of extra building options. The mod is primarily based on HD textures lower resolutions however will be available later and it’s curren...[Read More]

Booze Mod let’s you brew beer and wine. It introduces grape vines for wine, and hop vines for beer, and heather. Red wine, and 4 flavours of beer: “normal” beer, the style of ale prior to the 11th century, Irish stout, and Scotch beer (heat...[Read More]

Defense is all about defending your base from mobs and even other players. You can craft chainlink fences, which are cheaper than iron bars, but are climbable. To solve this, you can also craft barbed wire, and razor wire to place on top. T...[Read More]

Have you ever been mining, looking for more resource? Then just realized you’ve mined it all already? Well with Miner’s Heaven by Jim949, you can go into a different dimension. This new dimension can be entered by just making a portal with ...[Read More]

This mod allows you to trade any items using coins. The coins come in four values: the Coin (value 1), the Coin Stack (value 9), the Large Coin Stack (value 81) and the Coin Pile (value 729). Obviously, 9 of a lower tier will get you 1 of t...[Read More]

It add a 8 new dimension’s based on the ore’s in Minecraft. (Coal, Iron, Gold, Diamond, Emerald, Redstone AND Now WITH LAPIS and Quartz) Some may think this is way to overpowered and wil try to exploit this, but to make the portal’s you wil...[Read More]

This mod adds a Steamship to minecraft, explore minecraft from above. Use coal to power the ship. As long as you have coal in inventory you will be ready for your adventure. Usage: Go Up: NUMPAD8 Do Down: NUMPAD2 Airship Inventory: R Airshi...[Read More]

This mod fixes any entity based rendering issues you may have with Minecraft Not seeing colors on signs? Entities lighting spazing out? Is your hand creating miniature block shaped black holes of nothingness located on your hand? Chests lig...[Read More]

Milk! Cocoa! Coffee! Have you ever thought about why Cocoa beans are used only for crafting cookies and coloring wool? Have you ever wanted to grow more food? Have you missed cocoa in Minecraft? Then this mod is just for you! Basic info: Th...[Read More]

This mod changes all items to 3D items in minecraft. No recipe’s, no nothing, just pure visual effects. Small negative side: It kinda takes away the fun of having a texture pack, but the items are only rendered in 3D in your hand and in the...[Read More]

The Village Marker allows the player to visualize villages by drawing dots on a sphere that represents the radius of the villages and drawing lines from all the doors that compose a village to the center of the village.  Features 6 colors t...[Read More]

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