Chameleons have the ability to change colors, Chameleon Blocks have the ability to change texture and shape. These blocks are pretty easy to use, place one on the side of a normal block and it will instantly fade to recreate the block you p...[Read More]

Utilize a wide array of over 600 colored blocks. Cobblestone, mossy cobblestone, cobblestone slabs, cobblestone stairs, cobblestone fences, mossy cobblestone fences, smooth stone, stone slabs, Logs, Planks, fences, fence gates, plank slabs,...[Read More]

How to Install Star Wars: The Blocks Awaken Make sure your  Minecraft is updated to 1.6 or higher Download the resource pack and put it somewhere easily accessible (Desktop) Open up your .minecraft from Run > %appdata% > .minecraft Op...[Read More]

Features: Adds 11 new InstantBlocks. InstantBlocks could be obtained by crafting, or found in chests. Each InstantBlock generates a structure upon right-clicking. Creates a configuration file at: “.minecraftconfigInstantBlocks.cfg”. Instant...[Read More]

Welcome to the mod where now you can Hide your base, Hide your traps and much more! This mod includes: (All require stone pick or higher to break except Ladder and Redstone) Many different forms of Stealth Glass. Hide from your foes while s...[Read More]

Glendale Pack Features 1.8 Custom Mesh Support! Uses MCPATCHER/Optifine features such as: CTM (Connective Texture) Fog, Trees, and water Biome tinting Custom Lightmap Custom Night Sky Random Mob support

Doors With Closing and Opening Animation! Animated Blocks is a mod that tries to make blocks more realistic, like doors, trap doors, levers, fence gates. It is doing that by animating them, so they react like they would normally in real lif...[Read More]

Rotatable blocks lets you rotate most full size opaque cube blocks in minecraft, and mods to a total of 24 orientations. All you need is a standard wrench found in many mods ( such as the BC, or AE2 Wrenches ), other tools that support the ...[Read More]

This mod adds slopes and a custom variety of vanilla blocks to the game! They may look like ordinary frames in their base form, but they can actually be covered with nearly any block in the game. The frame will inherits the cover block’s te...[Read More]

Craft your favorite youtubers in Minecraft. Step On or Right Click the Blocks to get Effects From your Favorite Youtubers. Just Find Youtuber Ore: Then Surround an Item in a Crafting Table with the Youtube Essence: PopularMMOs: Diamond Bloc...[Read More]

Blocks3D mod turns previously 2D blocks into a 3Dish version. How to install Blocks 3D Mod: Download and install Minecraft Forge Download mod jar file Drag and drop the downloaded jar file into the .minecraft/mods folder. If one does not ex...[Read More]

This mod is all about making Minecraft come alive (quite literally) in order to add a bit more fun but still functionality to the game. It adds a number of so called “Living” blocks and a few others that are very unique to this mod. All of ...[Read More]

Craft your favorite youtubers in Minecraft. Step On or Right Click the Blocks to get Effects From your Favorite Youtubers. Just Find Youtuber Ore: Then Surround an Item in a Crafting Table with the Youtube Essence: PopularMMOs: Diamond Bloc...[Read More]

Rotatable blocks lets you rotate most full size opaque cube blocks in minecraft, and mods to a total of 24 orientations. All you need is a standard wrench found in many mods ( such as the BC, or AE2 Wrenches ), other tools that support the ...[Read More]

Features: Around 40 different colors! Blast resistant blocks(as obsidian), no more griefers/creepers destroying your art! Takes close to no time to destroy them in survival mode! Clean colors, no more weird textures on your pixel art! They ...[Read More]

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