ChaosCraft Recipes

Recipes CraftingTable:

Recipes InfusionAltar

No Wand:

1 X Wand (Tier: 1)

ChaosGem / Stick

1 X Wand (Tier: 2):

Wand (Tier: 1) / Spawn

1 X Wand (Tier: 3):

Wand (Tier: 2) / IronIngot / GoldIngot / Diamond

1 X Wand (Tier: 4):

Wand (Tier: 3) / IronBlock / GoldBlock / DiamondBlock

1 X Wand (Tier: 5):

Wand (Tier: 4) / NetherStar

1 X Spawn:

SoulSand / Netherrack

Tier 1:

2 X SlimeBall:

BioScrap / SnowBall / egg / sugar

2 X FireBallCharge:

BioScrap / BlazePowder / Clay / Flint

3 X WitherSkeletonSkull:

FireBallCharche / InkSac / Bone / BioScrap / Spawn Skeleton / Obsidian / NetherBrick / EnderPearl

Tier 2:

1 X SpawnEgg:

Spawn / [MobDrop]

Tier 3:

Comming Soon!

Tier 4:

1 X UltimateSigil:

Clock / NetherStar

Tier 5:

1 X NetherStar:

DiamondSword / WitherSkull / WitherSkull / WitherSkull / SoulSand / SoulSand / SoulSand / SoulSand

1 Comment

  1. ale super



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