MoreCraft Screenshots

New compact storage blocks!

Netherwood trees in the Nether!

Imagine what you can build with Netherwood! Netherwood doors and chests!

Ender bricks! Matches the End well!

Are these… ruby ores? Yes, RUBIES! (Meant to be less rare than diamonds, but still rare.)

And what’s this? Stone stairs? Hurray!

Comfortable spider silk clothes! Expensive though. Offers moderate protection but is very durable.

A true warrior might get their hands on the Wither set! Legendary, of course!

The New Tweaks

Enderman drops carried blocks on death!


This mod can be played on SMP and LAN, as long as the host/server has the mod installed and all clients have the mod installed.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg! There are many blocks, items and recipes to discover!


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