Somnia? Do you know what is Somnia? Somnia is a word, well not a complete word for “sleep”. Or just add a word like, insomnia, it means that you have problems sleeping. In Minecraft, don’t you thin that something should be...[Read More]

Soooooo, there are many mods that I would like to introduce to you guys. But sadly, this is the one I chose for you to use it as a REAL mod. It is called the GenuineNPC! After Minecraft 1.8.1 has updated all those big mods like Aether, Bett...[Read More]

Optifine helps improve your game. Maybe you are experiencing lag and you are jumping all over. Have you tried everything so far; short render distance, closing everything except Minecraft? Yeah me too and nothing works as well as Optifine! ...[Read More]

Guys, we’ve seen the Wall, City, and Ruins Generator Mod do quite a similar thing with this Ruins Mod, however it’s not tally the same. The very amazing mods, and I mean modS with an S name AtomicSkryker has created many many mo...[Read More]

There are some people asking me about what is Patches Minecraft or MCPatcher (Minecraft Patcher). It is a software that will allow youth switch between texture packs of any size within the game. If you don’t have Minecraft Texture Pac...[Read More]

Gerudoku texture pack is a normal texture pack that is the same like others but with more animations and skins added. Remember “quality is quantity”? this mod had “lots” and “lots” of new things for minec...[Read More]

Bored of the old fancy Minecraft? Bored of the blocky and pixeled Minecraft? well this is one way to kick those boredom away. This Texture Pack is like a HD Pack with updates throughout the game, however this is not the first time I see peo...[Read More]

RailCraft Mod is a great Mod which improves rails massively. The developer of this Mod thought the development of rails was missed in Minecraft so RailCraft Mod improves that. It adds a number of different rails including high speed rails w...[Read More]

The CraftGuide Mod is something I wish was added to the game, or something I wish I had when I first started playing Minecraft. I make videos of Minecraft and in my early lets play videos I was constantly tabbing out to the wiki to find a c...[Read More]

Magic, the only things that Minecraft doesn’t have. For all those builders , destroyers, or even explorers would look onto Magic Wands. One of the most useful mod I think. This Magic Wands things completely solve all your issues in Mi...[Read More]

Hi, Minecrafters! Today I come with a Mod for Minecraft again.Its name is Rei Minimap Mod for Minecraft 1.2.5 . First, I ask you, are you tired of trying to find a place you want and keep forgetting where it is? If you encounter this proble...[Read More]

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