Better Foliage Mod is my re-implementation of some features of Better Grass and Leaves Mod. It makes your plant life a bit more verdant and fluffy by drawing some extra leaves on trees, and short grass on grass blocks. Usage The mod is clie...[Read More]

Void Island Control Mod adds a world type for a “void” world that works for multiplayer and teams. This mod comes with 4 default island types that all have some customize configs and can enabled/disabled: Grass Sand Snow Wood These island t...[Read More]

Online Picture Frame Mod allows you to pick any picture of the internet and bring it to Minecraft. You can choose the size, rotate or flip it. You can do basically everything. No need for uploading files to the server (no need for storage) ...[Read More]

This mod adds two portals (blocks) that can be crafted, the Mining Portal and the Void Portal. To use a portal, simply craft it and place it in the world, then right-click it. This will teleport the player to a new dimension, one separate f...[Read More]

Biomes O’ Plenty Mod is designed to give players a better Minecraft world to explore, and more of a reason to explore it in the first place.  There are a lot of realistic biomes, some fantasy biomes, and other cool things I’ve added to the ...[Read More]

RandomTweaks Mod implements a bunch of miscellaneous tweaks for Minecraft. RandomTweaks is very lightweight – it’s only a couple of kilobytes and adds virtually no loading time to the game. When installed on the client, it is 100% compatibl...[Read More]

This mod adds Generators: Furnace Generator. Culinary Generator. Ender Generator. Lava Generator. How to install: Download and install Minecraft Forge. Download and install ValkyrieLib. Download the mod. Click on the Start Menu in Windows. ...[Read More]

TorchMaster Mod gives you a special torch which prevents mob spawning in a configurable radius. It is so interesting that you should play it. Version 1.1 adding a new Block: The Terrain Lighter is a block that places torches in a configurab...[Read More]

Teslafied Mod adds Tesla support to all RF and AE Energy-based TileEntities. Example: What you see here is a solar panel which only generates Tesla and a RFTools powercell which does not support Tesla. The current (in dev aka RV4) version o...[Read More]

Real Time Clock Mod displays the system time on the HUD, toggleable with a keybinding (default is ?c’). The position, size, color and time format (12/24h) are configurable. What it looks like with the default config: How to install: Downloa...[Read More]

CraftingTable IV Mod is an complete rewrite of the CraftingTable III mod. This mod does the same as the CraftingTable III mod, including the recursive recipe search, and even more. Crafting Table IV displays everything you can currently cra...[Read More]

Sonic Ether’s Unbelievable Shaders adds a beautiful lighting effect to the game. This mod works in both SMP and SSP. The max frame rate you should expect to get is around 30fps. Don’t worry, it’s not your computer. Why is is a low FPS? Well...[Read More]

Experience Seedling Mod adds the seeds of the plant of Experience. The seeds are very expensive: it takes eight gold ingots and a seed of wheat to get an Experience plant seed. On average, collecting a mature plant using a Fortune III encha...[Read More]

The One Probe Mod is a more immersive version of WAILA. You don’t get to see the information tooltip all the time but only when you have the probe in your hand (note that this mod can be configured to show the information all the time just ...[Read More]

Nature’s Compass Mod is a utility item used to search for a biome and view information about it. No more wandering in circles looking for a mushroom island. Features: Right-clicking with Nature’s Compass in hand will open the biome selectio...[Read More]

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