Items and Blocks: Spear: This throwable weapon deals 100 hearts of damage. Crafted with two DinoBones and a SpearTip SpearTip: Smelt an Amber Amber: This is dropped when u mine an AmberOre. This ore generates in the bottom 7 layers of the D...[Read More]

This is a mod that adds a new fish to minecraft called the koi. It is simply a fish that spawns in water and swims around in there. When  you kill it you will get a fish. If you want to get this fish in your house you can simply craft a spa...[Read More]

This mod takes out the health and food generation from peaceful. So in other words You won’t get your health back when you drop down a hill and you also need food to survive. This could be very fun and useful for everyone using the Peaceful...[Read More]

Trophy Slots is a simple mod that locks away slots in your inventory. To unlock those slots, you complete achievements or use the aforementioned trophies. Some slots are locked. You unlock them by completing achievements or using trophies. ...[Read More]

This mod adds achievements for: All armor tiers All tool tiers All Foods Nether stuff Killing Mobs and more! How to install: Download and install Minecraft Forge. Download the mod. Go to %appdata%. Go to .minecraft/mods folder. If the “mods...[Read More]

This mod protects your items from despawning when you die by storing them on a dead body that you can later loot to get your stuff back. Your dead body is unharmed by fire, explosions, and falling, with configurations options to make your l...[Read More]

Ruins is a mod that spawns Structures in your Minecraft worlds upon generation, similar to Villages or Strongholds. Every Structure is defines by a template and configured to spawn under specific conditions, and all of that can be changed b...[Read More]

This mod is about a Chest, that you can upgrade to how you want it to be. You can make a Cobblestone Generator out of it, you can make the Chest suck in nearby Items, or you can use the chest as a big furnace. There are many more upgrades, ...[Read More]

It’s so you don’t have to point nonstop on a Block, never letting go of the mouse button, to finish it off. You can pause, walk away, mine another Block … whatever you want. This mod is completely networked. It works for multiple people on ...[Read More]

This mod makes Creepers STALK YOU. Available for Single- and Multiplayer, does not need ModLoader or anything. Installation: Put file in “put in jar” folder into minecraft.jar (or minecraft_server.jar) using winrar or other packer Does not ...[Read More]

Hey guys! here and everyone is having a rave about it’s awesome new features but im not here to tell I’m here to tell you about the Infernal Mobs Mod which has just been swiftly updated to the newest update. What this mod basically does is ...[Read More]

This modification makes ‘shining’ items (default: Torch, Glowstone, Glowdust, Lit Pumpkin, Redstone, Lava Bucket, powered Minecart) illuminate everything around them if The player has them equipped (in hand/armor) They are dropped on the gr...[Read More]

Skyland mod adds floating islands to Minecraft. You will be above the clouds, no rain and snow. Additional Commands: /skyland /skyland regenerate How to install: Download and install Minecraft Forge. Download the mod. Go to %appdata%. Go to...[Read More]

This small mod makes minecraft leaves decay much faster. It should also be compatible with most modded leaves. If you don’t like the default speed you can also change the decay speed & fuzz (How “random” the decay will be) in the config...[Read More]

Have you ever wanted to change your villages for each bioms? Or add some batiments to the villages? Now you can. With this mod you will add a lot of villages and batiments to your game! But it’s not all: The mod modify some structures of th...[Read More]

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