H1Z1 Mod [Putting A Modding Team Together]

Hello, I am TheBrickCrusher as you probably read. I am reaching out to any experienced modders because I have a new mod idea and am looking for a team to get it done! :) You have probably heard of the new game H1Z1, if not it is a zombie apocalypse mmo with different game modes and servers and such. I would like to bring it to minecraft. There are a couple animals, obviously zombies and then there’s all the players. Personally I do not have much modding experience, I am just getting in to it. So I will not be much help in that category. However I am very experienced with running servers so if you do accept my proposal I can open some official servers. As well I am very familiar with the game so I could help manage the project. My ideas are similar to F3RULLO14’s CraftingDead mod/modpack, he based it off of DayZ and it is currently the top or one of the top packs on the TechnicPack. But I do not plan on just copying his work, I have very many different ideas, also it is based on a different game.

Reply to this thread, PM me on here, but the fastest way to get to me is skype; thebrickcrusher


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