[1.8.9] MultiStorage Mod Download


MultiStorage mod adds multiple types of storage. Type /FruzstratedsGuide in-game for recipes and info.

Enderlink Chests:


  • A dimensional storage; there contents are accessible from any other of the same color.
  • Storage can be expanded and made private.
  • (NOTE: private does not prevent people from opening the chest it only changes the network.)
  • There are 4096 shared networks and an additional 4096 private networks for each player.
  • Shift+Right-Click with a bag on a chest to link them, this allows for remote access to the chest.

Hidden, Junk, Stacking:


  • Hidden Storage (The rainbow one) Can look like nearly any block.
  • Shift must be held to open the inventory, else if will try to click on the original block.
  • Junkboxes (The half-slab) can store a large amount of items.
  • Downside is that only 16 slots are visible, Items will randomly switch upon opening the inventory.
  • Stacking chests can be 1, 2, or 3 blocks tall.
  • Opening from the front this allows for tight packing onto a wall.
  • These can all be upgraded once to double there inventory.
  • (NOTE: if Terraquous is in there are cloud variants of all inventories.)



  • A secure area that only you (and people you allow) can enter.
  • They can be as small as 4x4x4, and up to 16x16x16.
  • Items, Redstone, and Liquid can be passed through special walls.


Minecraft Forge



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