Metal Rods Mod for Minecraft 1.4.2

Have you ever wondered what you could possibly do with your left over iron. You could save it, turn it into blocks, make spare weapons and tools. But, there really isnt need to do that at the time. Why don’t you spice up your base, scrap those wooden doors, replace them with iron doors. No, thats definatly not enough. That trap door over there just doesnt fit in with everything else. Well then, I suppose it is time to make an iron trapdoor.

With the metal rods mod you are able to craft iron rods which can be used to craft items and blocks such as iron trapdoors, Bows, weapons, and tools. The durability of a wooden sword with the sticks replaced by iron rods will be boosted dramatically. Not only this, but gold rods are also added. This wont affect the durability of tools and weapons much, but it will give you something to do with that useless gold.

This mod is perfect for both builders, and hardcore survival players. This can boost the value, and defensive rating of your base and home. It can be used as a perfect defense or strategic attack ability against your friends. Thats right, this mod is SMP compatible. Chill out with your new metal rods in minecraft with friends. Your first goal was to find diamonds, and find diamonds you did. So use them too! Make diamond rods, I mean why waste them or throw them into your chest when you can have a doubly strong diamond pickaxe on your hands. It would be a great masterpiece to show off to your friends.

Metal Rods Mod Version 1.4.2 for Minecraft 1.4.2 Changelogs

  • Extended tools disabled
  • Compatibility with Minecraft 1.4.2

How to install Metal Rods Mod for Minecraft 1.4.2

  1. Download and install Modloader
  2. Download the metal rods mod
  3. Browse to %appdata%/roaming/.minecraft/bin
  4. Open minecraft.jar with winrar or 7zip.
  5. Open the downloaded zip file and drag the contents into your minecraft.jar. (Delete meta-inf.)
  6. Done! enjoy.



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