Uncraftables Mod for Minecraft 1.2.5

Ever wanted to get your hands on sponges legitimately? Or what about chainmail? Maybe you just wanted to craft your own Bottle o’ Enchanting? Well you’ve come to the right place! Mattyp153′s Uncraftables mod creates recipes for a lot of items that are normally unobtainable. Things like portal blocks, the circle bricks and mob spawners. Here’s an image that shows what you can craft:

Uncraftables Mod

A pretty neat addition I’d say. I’m mainly just pleased with the ability to craft moss, cracked and circle stone bricks. The ability to be able to get fire to create your own chain mail is awesome too! However, the mod is not completely practical. Some of the recipe’s are slightly OP (overpowered). For example, the fire. It takes 1 flint and 1 iron to get 64 fire which will get you a whole set of chain mail. Or the ability to put a piece of rotten flesh in a bottle and get exp. OP? Yeah, it’s OP but nonetheless it’s a great idea and I’m sure Matty will work on getting some of the recipe’s more fair in the future.

One of my favourite things about this? Notice how you can craft bedrock with three beds and some cobble. I love that, brilliant! But no, I just love the idea that legitimate players are now able to create more complex builds easier. Like easier mushroom houses and of course legitimate circle stone bricks! As with all other mods I reveiw… I highly recommend you go download this and check it out! Definitely very cool!

How to Install Uncraftables Mod for Minecraft 1.2.5

  1. Download and install Modloader.
  2. Download Uncraftables.
  3. Place the contents of the .Zip into your minecraft.jar
  4. Make sure there is no META-INF file. If there is, delete it.
  5. Run minecraft and enjoy!



  1. hello this mod doesn’t work on multi-player game only single player can you give me this mod for multi player?

  2. But how do you know that somebody with a fortune pick axe could not have unlimited diamond

  3. of course, it would not work multiplayer!! the server would need to be set up with the mod for it to work multiplayer and then you would need the mod to play on the server

    • Quieres ser mi amigo?

  4. You realize that was from 2013 and this is usless most likely



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