This mod was created by Starlis Installation: More swords mod Download the latest Minecraft Forge Extract the contents of forge into the minecraft/server jar (delete meta inf client side only!) Place in the mods folder Pro...[Read More]

Anyone remember before 1.8 when the way mobs spawned was drastically different? Like how friendly mobs spawned in the light rather then just not spawn at all. Spawning is now much less random, their spawns is based on biomes and other many ...[Read More]

Entity ProximityDetector is one of the most useful mods I’ve used to date. The idea behind it is simple but I find it brings so much to the game. This mod attaches a name tag to every entity in the game. You can filter out which entities yo...[Read More]

Minecraft, what a beautiful game who thought a game about blocks could ever be so beautiful. But with the amazing mountains and multi-biomes Minecraft adds up to be a pretty beautiful game. But then you see the water, just blue. No depth, o...[Read More]

Hey! have you ever wondered how it feels to be a god?! Yes? If so this mod is just for you. What does it do you’ll ask me? Well, talking simple this mod let’s you literally build  your own animals from the mob drops. It let’s you craft ever...[Read More]

The world of Minecraft is huge. Just as it’s huge, there are so many mobs of different kinds that thrive in it. However, nobody in the world of Minecraft has the ability of talking. Sometimes, one might feel lonely roaming around the world ...[Read More]

Don’t you just feel bad when you die in a battle just because you have trouble double tapping for sprinting? Also, a lot of times when you are chasing down on something, double tapping often slows you down. Now let’s put an end to this! The...[Read More]

Great news for all the horse lovers! It’s the Simply Horses Mod! This mod adds some different horses to the Minecraft world. Are they just normal horses? No! They come in different kinds and each kind has its own cool qualities. You will be...[Read More]

Minecraft is known for some of the mobs that lurk at night, haunting your dreams and destroying your hard work.  However, after you get used to these creatures you might long for more variety, more weapons and more passive mobs.  This mod a...[Read More]

Here’s another very useful mod for all of you who come in need of woods very often. Woods can be used for so many different things and purposes. Basically, they are used for making and building stuffs and they are used in large quantity. Wh...[Read More]

Sim U Kraft Mod is like sim city and the sims mixed together in minecraft, you don’t have to go around harvest farms, or dig ores anymore since there are people around for you to employ now. Sim-U-Kraft is one of the most interesting mod yo...[Read More]

Seen the movie? read the book? Did you feel that same rush of excitement and adrenalin every time the movie entered a new scene, or how the chapter ends as a cliff hanger? Well I did, and if you didnt, well. You will be sure to Get it with ...[Read More]

Halloween’s just passed. Honestly, it doesn’t scare me anymore. The scary costumes people wear don’t put fear in my head anymore. They are boring. Do you feel the same? Then, it’s time for some real horror. You won’t even notice yourself sw...[Read More]

Magic Chest Mod allows you to instantly add items into a chest without having to open it, the Magic Chest can also filter the items that are absorbed inside, it is perfect for quickly sorting out items and saving time. You can continue your...[Read More]

I personally believe that there is hardly anyone who has never heard about Star Wars. The Star Wars serious is so famous that even though it’s been released years ago, it is still being discussed by so many people. I myself wasn’t a big fan...[Read More]

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